What is paradoxical insomnia?

This question was asked in Ocala, Florida on 07/29/2013.
What is paradoxical insomnia, and how is it treated?

Doctors Answers (2)

SomnoDiagnostics, Inc.
Answered on: 8/22/2013

Paradoxical Insomnia is also known as Sleep State Misperception and is most commonly used for people who mistakenly perceive their sleep as wakefulness. While most people with this condition will report not having slept in the previous night at all or having slept very little, clinical recordings demonstrate normal sleep patterns. These patients are otherwise generally in good health and any ills appear to be more associated with fear of negative consequences of insomnia than from any actual loss of sleep.

J. Douglas Hudson, MD, DABSM
Answered on: 8/22/2013

Paradoxical insomnia is a rarely used term and refers to what we call "sleep misperception". This means that the patient perceives that they sleep fewer hours than they actually sleep. This is often validated by an attended overnight sleep study.