Do I need to see a doctor for my sleep paralysis?

This question was asked in Fort Smith, Arkansas on 10/16/2013.
I have episodes anywhere from 5-15 times a month, it typically occurs a couple times in one day if I have one that day. Some episodes are different than others; some I can relax through, and with others I hallucinate, have out of body experiences, and the worst episodes are the ones where I have to fight for every breath. I've had this since I was young and it has gotten progressively worse with age. I am currently 22 and I lose a lot of sleep over the fear of an episode. I feel like it has gotten out of hand.

Doctors Answers (3)

Robert C. Jones, M.D.
Answered on: 10/18/2013

Yes, it would be good to take a visit to your physician or a sleep doctor.

J. Douglas Hudson, MD, DABSM
Answered on: 10/18/2013

Yes, you need to see a sleep specialist, preferably a neurologist, for your sleep paralysis and other issues.

SomnoDiagnostics, Inc.
Answered on: 10/18/2013

Yes, you should see a Board Certified Sleep Physician. The episodes that you are describing necessitate an appointment with a sleep physician at your earliest possible convenience.